
Day 1 - Conference "Work-Family Balance and Gender Equality in the Craft Sector"

The Women Entrepreneurs Committee of the National Chamber of Crafts organized on February 24 the International Conference "Work-Family Balance and Gender Equality in the Craft Sector" with representatives from Koblenz and the Associations of Women Crafts Entrepreneurs from the Western Balkans, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Montenegro North and Serbia. Mrs. Arjola Alikaj Legislation Expert in BSPSH presented the situation of legislation in Albania and Mrs. Anke Brühl-Tschuck introduced German legislation and gender legal arrangements. During the conference, there were many questions and discussions by those present.


Albanian National Chamber of Crafts

Tel/fax: +35542204272
Tel/Fax: +35542226280
Mob: +355 682082666

Bulevardi Bajram Curri,
Godina 2 kate brenda ambjenteve te Drejtorise Rajonale te Arsimit dhe Formimit Profesional DRAFP Nr.4,
Tirana/ Albania.